Saturday, March 31, 2007





Babel Tower

According to the book I mentioned several days ago, the Babel Tower is based on a tower named E-ur-imin-an-ki ("House of the seven divisions of heaven and earth") localied in the ancient city Borsippa (now Birs Nimrud) adjacent to Babylon. See Page 81-83 for it.
In this way, it seems that the Tanakh is more infulenced by the southern part of the Mesopotamia culture - the Babylonia one.

Report 31-03-07

Everything is done
But I still haven't seen any colony which appears to be correct.
I will try to ligase the Sog_Cen2 structure again tomorrow, with dephosphorylated vector.

ToDo 31-03-07

Induce the expression of transfected DNA
Check the overnight culture




Friday, March 30, 2007

Report 20-03-07

Documents posting failed. Okay, I'm shocked by the effiency of FedEx - they still haven't guaranteed my account yet. Right, I am failed to send out the documents, great job!
The lesson is, I should do it in advance. Keep important things done earlier than requested.

Transfection finished, Sog_N1 and Sog_C3 were transfected, Dpp-HA was transfected with them as the control. S2 R+ cells used, they looks fine. (1.8*10exp6 /mL)

Overnight culture purified and digested. The result is not satifsfied, I picked another 16 colonies today and will test them tomorrow.

Western blotting was finished, no expression of Sog-FL found. However, interesting weak bands of a small size appeared in the pellet of Dpp_N and Dpp_C (smaller than Dpp-HA), a band of the same size appeared in the supernatant of Dpp_N as well. I may have a discussion with Hilary about this later.

ToDo 30-03-07

Continue the western blotting
Transfect cells
Send the documents
Purify the plasmid DNA for Sog_Cen2_New, and check by digestion
Reading and writing

monothesim and?

As suggested, there are 3 families of religions across the world: Abrahamic religion, Dharmic religion and Taoic religon.
I want to sleep... Today is not Friday unfortunately - I have to go work tomorrow morning.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Report 29-03-07

Okay, now I can even smell the fish soup in my room - I am sure it is imagination since it is in the kitchen - I just want to eat it now.

Emmm, for today
Bad news, sequencing result recieved and no expected clone is found. Thus I picked another 15 colonies on the plate and seeded them. This is an additional work for today.
All other work except the neutralization for GST-pull down were done.
Western blotting always takes time - this is why I can not finish before 11:30 PM.
The Flag-mad cells seems happy, they tripled in 3 days. S2 R+ cells also reached a incredible density, cells go go go! I will then transfect you tomorrow!
Police Certificate got, I will send it out tomorrow - it is the deadline ordered by my wife. Goddess Bless me.

Hunger is DRIVING Meeeeee

Finally, today's work is finished
I'm empty.. I am coming back, my sweet home, I need food - o, is Carfield here?
No I will not starve to death, I am going now!

In situ pictures

Yes here comes the photos, I am quite happy about them.These embryos are from Vkg mutated, Dcp mutated and Wildtype drsophila melangastor; and the in situ used Race RNA. The embryos photographed were around 3 hours 40 minutes old.

They are shown in the sequence of Wildtype, Vkg mutation, and Dcp mutation.

ToDo 29-03-07

Prepare cells for transfection tomorrow (S2 R+ or/and Flag-Mad)
Write the report
Midi prep
Police certificate
Embryo collecting & fixing (Seed one MT32 collection bottle)
Look for a landline...
Harvest cells (transfected 25-03-07), lyse and do western blot.
Prepare for GST-pull down assay. (Neutralize the protein quantity again?)



Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Summer night at the top of E'mei mountain


History, and present

These words from the book "Civilization of Babylonian and Assyrian" make much sense: In studying the past, therefore, in reality studying ourselves, we are concerned with something that is not remote, but on the contrary with something that is quite close to us - with flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone.
The history is a chain, it is not unexpected that philosophers would look for the source of the right of the human spirit in this way. Emmm... How about music?

Fooled myself, feels good!

It seems that I made a conclusion too easily and flippantly, just like a fool.
We can not say that torture and pressure lead to creation - the people lived in the Europe who bear extremely hard environment created no civilization before the influence of Rome Empire reached that area. This kind of pressure lead to another way of evolution - not on the mind but on the body. The fertile land supported big population and then was the birth of language and so on.

Report 28-03-07

All jobs were done.
Used the Fax machine in the general office in the Micheal Smith Building for free -- this is good, for I paid the tution fee.
The USB port only functions when you insert the pen drive directly to the back, not when you install in at the extending cable. This proves the quality of PCs are all the same across the world, so go to hell, the price diffrence!
I will go to the town to get the police certificate tomorrow, I can not wait till Firday.
I hate Mac, it brings no ease to me, moreover, I hate the design of Apple - it's too feminized, I need metal feeling, rough and strong.

ToDo 28-03-07

准备Midi Prep
把pen drive带去实验室拷贝照片
明天再去开证明吧- -... 明天老板和其他两个博士要去爱丁堡开会...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Comic of Hongkong

163的相册终于修好了,网络的盗版人才层出不穷,以前看神兵的相册kiss good bye了,然则新的又冒出了3个。



Mourn the spirit

If you take a look back to the ancient people, to see what were they mainly concerning. It is easy to find out that in fact they had very similar or should I say the same problems in comparison to us: wife missing husband who is far away, lower layer people complaining about the society, young man loving young woman, old people fearing death and so on...
In the aspect of spirit, there is hardly any progress made by us in thouthands of years. What we are doing now in spirit is just beginning to free it from prejudice, just a beginning.

Introduction to Assyria, is it an introduction anyway?

The rise of Assyria is a good topic to think about, however there are only a few records since this period is too far away from us. Trade took a important part in the conuntry even in this period, though the agriculture is always the most important.
It's worth thinking how the trade and handicraft industry infulence China history, for it is not emphasised in the studies. Some westerners had looked into this field, but they were not going very far for the datas are mostly written in Chinese and not well translated. A good historian is able to see the things at the back of the historic event, like Mao. The detailed work on history like correcting the chronology is not for great historians. It's a pity that the great historians seldom write books on their thoughts, or what they have got from the history is not understood by the people --- severl simple words may mean many things and hide lots of subwords.
Let's get back to Assyria, I can barely understand how the Assyria conquered so many cities and land with such small population. It is likely that the whole Assyria empire is military-based, just like the Mongolian, Xiongnurian(?). In ancient time, agriculture meant almost all economy, as well as army size. I do not konw whether the Assyrians recruit soldiers from the other country (It seems that even they did, the number is limited and small) to support their successively wars, but it is obvious that the wars could not afforded by a Assyrian people. To the east direction, the Assyrians destroyed everything, and never controls the fields which would yield food. Is it because they do not have enough army to maintain the boundary or they just do not need so much food? It seems the Assyrians are quite cruel, and did some massacre, is this making the empire big but weak? And what drives the Assyria Kings to invade the countries nearby is another question. I need more information to explore this part, it is time for me to find some more detailed books.

Here comes one book:

Reports 27-03-07

FedEx e-mail received, I will finish and fax the form to their headquarter tomorrow. Thank God I am able to send post safely in the near future --- Alas, my first post with my precious bank statement...

Sequencing result using Sog7 primer on Sog_N1_New is back, looks nice.
Now Sog_N1_New and Sog_C3_new are good, I will start to prepare the plasmid DNA for transfection tomorrow. Thus I will transform these two plasmids today.

Photos of the Race/Ushape marked In situ embryos were taken this morning. I have learnt a lot from Hilary about the different stages of the embryos, she is not a bad teacher though was speaking a little fast --- Okay, I need coffee to listen to her.

Emmm... I really want to paste some photographs here, the embryos looks beautiful. This is a technique problem, I have no idea how to paste it on blogger.

ToDo 27-03-07


Lab meeting。


Monday, March 26, 2007

FedEx, give me the mail!


The Sumerians

公元前9,000年到5,000年的气候湿润期让他们迁徙到mesopotamian,然而5,000 BC之后气候开始干旱,致使其往南部聚集;而最后他们毁于自己造成的土地盐碱化。悲剧的民族。

实验室里没有应付Blunt End PCR产物的克隆用连接Kit
一,把pfu Phusion的PCR产物丢到Taq PCR体系里面去反应一会儿,把Blunt end弄成Sticky end。不过据爱打橄榄球的新西兰人说,这样效率很低。




顺带一提,上次的4个样品,三个自连,一个连进去,但是方向反了 囧


我需要他们来做In situ啊……收集了两个月了也不过150微升,只够做三次……


Mahler again


Huge and tiny?


ToDo 26-03-07

Monday again!
Today's todo list:
1.Add CuSO4 into the transfected cells to induce the expression. (Sog-FL and Dpp fusion proteins)
2.Check the plasimd DNA.
3.Set sequencing PCR.
4.Send sequencing samples.
5.Paper reading.

I had a good talk with my wife yesterday. I can not understand how the women are thinking, that's really a problem -- women take half of the population. If I can not know clearly the way women thinking, I will lose lots of chances in the future.
It's such a hard work to predict or guess the other people's thoughts, at least as hard as academical work. And it is so important for any one who does not want to stay in his current status.
Lots to learn then, I'm a young man.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Long live Quake3

Long live the internet! Long live!




我美妙的Rocket,我美妙的Strafe Jump

ToDo 25-03-07






周一估计UPS和FedEx要给我打电话,这边的手续弄得还真麻烦,不就寄封信么,又是注册又是确认的,我只想快点儿把信寄出去……而且我的police certification找不着了,难道要周一再花34英镑去重新办一个?这可令人非常不快。