Friday, July 06, 2007

Open your arms for the parallel worlds

We have already seen enough "parallel world" things in SF, it is very amazing to have other possibilities. This kind of wish comes from the deep of our heart. And just because of the uncertainality of this theory and the ease to accept it (without complicated knowledge), we love it. Now it is the 50th year of the birth of this theory, so let's celebrate.
How did I get this? I guess the editors of Nature are also interested in SF. And we can review this thing here, in a easy-reading way - however, we noticed once again, that how a person was unnoticed or ignored in his period - sadness.

Thursday, July 05, 2007


I wrote to Alan Dickson yesterday and he replied fast, the tone of the letter is quite offical, however, I guess they welcome the PhD student, especially, self-funded PhD student. Anyways, it seems it will not be too tough for me to get one position.

We had a lab meeting yesterday afternoon, it is 2 hours and a half long. It is interesting though, Matthew introduced a new expression method he is using, the viral mediated protein expression method. The product he is using is Baculovirus. Phil introduced his work on Angiopoietin1/2 and Tie family protein, Babara introduced her work on CCbeta mutations (however I didn't get it all) and Sanjai memtioned his work on EB1 and a huge protein (9000kDa). I felt I haven't done anything which makes sense... That's a pity really.

Aimee began to write homework, this morning we finished a 300 words short draft. Her ultimate work for the class is a 2.5k words report, which will be interesting.

I got a PDF version of a book named "World History" in Chinese. It's 138MB, and will be fun to read. I also have CPS3 emulator on my computer now, with which I can play Street Fighter III 3rd Strike, it is great fun!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


I am reading reference of the neuroscience project, it is really frustrating to see so many unkonwn words in the paper. Whatever, learning new knowledge is always good. At least now I know how to call the different part of the brain in English.

Tomorrow there will be a lab meeting, I guess I will not have a good time since I haven't got much data. I hope Richard will give me some advice.

Aimee feels the English course is too easy, there are people who haven't passed ILETS in class too. Maybe this course is really not worthing the money - yes it's 950, pounds.

Okay, at last I have a new report, people has transplantted huge genome successfully. I've learnt how to use hyper link like this too!

Monday, July 02, 2007


Monday now, and I am in July too.

Get contact with one of my wife's friend, Qiao. He is a quite hard-working boy who is also studying life science in Peking University. His topic is interesting to me, since when he first introduced his project, I guessed out what his final aim is - though he himself does not think it is able to achieve that goal before his PhD programme. Their lab is abit insane, I do not feel strange though, for their big boss is a japanese. Anyways, I can not announce his project here - he asked me not to tell others. Good luck Qiao.

This morning I went to the bank, and after I put my three or four or five thousand pounds in to the Pay-in Machine, it broke. I haven't got my money back yet, because I myself do not know exactly how much money is there; and the one who may knows - my wife, is taking an English test... This pissed me off really, it is my fault, I should count the money before I put it in, and I should not use the Pay-in Machine either - I should do this at the counter, or the cash caring people may just get my money and say there isn't that much since there is no record of that money! Stupid, I will never do this kind of thing again.

The weather is hell. Sunny for 10 minutes and then heavy rain, after 20 minutes the cloud goes away again, and then repeat. Come on, give me the blue sky!