Thursday, March 29, 2007

Report 29-03-07

Okay, now I can even smell the fish soup in my room - I am sure it is imagination since it is in the kitchen - I just want to eat it now.

Emmm, for today
Bad news, sequencing result recieved and no expected clone is found. Thus I picked another 15 colonies on the plate and seeded them. This is an additional work for today.
All other work except the neutralization for GST-pull down were done.
Western blotting always takes time - this is why I can not finish before 11:30 PM.
The Flag-mad cells seems happy, they tripled in 3 days. S2 R+ cells also reached a incredible density, cells go go go! I will then transfect you tomorrow!
Police Certificate got, I will send it out tomorrow - it is the deadline ordered by my wife. Goddess Bless me.


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