Friday, June 22, 2007

22-06-07 (2)

CD of Chants arrived, 2 CDs, sounds nice, the only thing I can understand in those Latin lyrics is "Halleruja"...
I brought my laptop to the lab today but I forgot the power wire - Stupid!
Chris kindly shared his lab report with me, so I can learn something from the report with a mark of 85.

Forgot to remark the percipitated protein, it has a estimated concentration of 80 microgram/mL, so it is not too bad.
I am growing cells expressing Ed domain and Fd domain now, what makes me feel good is that the western blotting result indicates the Ed domain is nicely expressed. I am doing backgroud reading in this area now, the protein we are looking at is so novel that no one knows what its function is, or even generally is. This brings difficluties in writing the introduction, of course. If I include all the information of the similar proteins of our target protein, that will be too much; and I doubt whether I can finish this huge reading task or not.

Yes, about readingl, obviously, Chinese fits me much much much etter than English, I still need lots of reading experience in English to make me read faster.

Shanfan Huang and I got contact on, and then I discovered that some other senior school mates are also on it. I never knew the is so popular...


The meeting with Dave is short, generally, I'd better contact Prof. Alan Dickson and those supervisors themselves.
I picked out ¬ 15 peoples in our faculty which I'm interested. Some of the projects requires completely new skills, however, it is not bad for my knowledge, maybe - though I will have a hard time. And I think I should find someone who is nice, some bosses are just too tough... Since I am not really too good in Biology, I need a nice boss.

I am planning my wedding, it will be in the middle August.
The easiest way is following the tradition, I have little problem with that (but still have, I will mention it below), since I am a common people and a common way of living (of course including wedding) is suitable for me. But, to be frankly, if have chance, I would not choose to be common, this is what really I am - a strange, weired person. So I planned something different. This time, my wife feels a bit hard to accept some points.
Now I need to know some details: how many people will be there, who are they, what is the condition in the wedding hall, how long the ceremony should be.
I have to modify my speech in the wedding as well, because I decided that I will take the role of many people - the emcee, the master people of the wedding, etc..

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Just to metion that I put myself on <- this is my account there

Arranged a meeting with Dave on Friday morning, just for infomation of PhD programme. In hope of everything would go well.

Btw. the recipe for pancake:
Three pancakes needs,
egg: 1
milk: half a pint
flour: 125g

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Ah ha, I knew it, I knew it for a long time! But things never turn to truth before you can find a way to prove it. So here is the "scientific" report for the "feeling when seeing" things.

In fact, I would rather say this is somehow the base of human society. Maybe I am aggrandising this physiology process (is it physiology?), but I just think it is. For example, mercy, which sometimes not so good, is related to this, I guess. How about democracy? Who knows...


Chris, in memorial… NO! He is still alive!
However, I am reconsidering whether I should rent a house far from city centre now. The still alive Chris survived, but how about my lovely wife?
The thing is like this, Chris was attacked last Saturday night, when he went back from the lab to his house, which is on Kinross road. This place is 20 minutes on foot from the lab, about 40-50 minutes on foot from the city centre. What is scarier, one person was shot death near Chris’s house, just 100 metres away. The guy attacked him could not win him, so that guy kicked at Chris’ private part and ran away.
He is now trying to find a new house, to flee away from that area. Whatever, security is the most important. Not only for myself, but for Aimee as well. Though living in the city centre may be expensive, I would like to choose this option.