Saturday, March 31, 2007

Babel Tower

According to the book I mentioned several days ago, the Babel Tower is based on a tower named E-ur-imin-an-ki ("House of the seven divisions of heaven and earth") localied in the ancient city Borsippa (now Birs Nimrud) adjacent to Babylon. See Page 81-83 for it.
In this way, it seems that the Tanakh is more infulenced by the southern part of the Mesopotamia culture - the Babylonia one.


Blogger =DOC=Cai-Fan said...

The name of Gilgamesh can also be written in Izdubar (in literature).

11:11 pm  
Blogger =DOC=Cai-Fan said...

Always consider the geographic change when you think about the historical thing. Like in Mesopotamia, the land is growing towards Persian Gulf, thus it is not strange that no specimen or ruin can be found in Kuwait - this land is in fact under the sea thousands years ago.

9:50 am  
Blogger =DOC=Cai-Fan said...

Make a correction, it should be the land to the north of Kuwait.

9:20 pm  
Blogger =DOC=Cai-Fan said...

Sanitation found in Bismya (the lost city of Adab).

11:12 pm  

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