Thursday, May 03, 2007

Summary 03-05-07

It's Richard's birthday, emm.. good time to be in the lab, we had free banana cake - made by Richard himself!
I practised oral presentation today with Debbie, Julien and Clair. Debbie gave lots of data and was easy to follow, Clair's slides are good but I found it not so easy to understand what she want to prove, maybe she passed the aim part too fast. Debbie said she may send me a recipe for cake baking soon, good, I would like to try it.
I mini preped the vector (from Christina) and digested it with BscAI and NheI, after the 2nd digestion the DNA was run on gel and extracted. I stored it in -20 oC.
Richard likes hot food, this is surprising. And I also knew that the swiss will have to participate some camping and military trainning from 20 to 40... Hard tradition...

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Kozak fragment

Kozak fragment is a conserved sequence neccessary for the high expression of eukaryotic cells DNA. It is localized at the ATG/AUG codon, typically 5'-GCCACCAUGG-3', +1G and -3A is important.
It is orgintated from the SD sequence in prokaryote, compentsating to part of ribosome sequence.

Summary 02-05-07

Now it is today.
I miswrote the last sentence on the last post. It should be aimee felt better yesterday. Alright, let us just ignore it.

Today is free, I forgot to mention that I transformed the pEYFP-C1 FL Ang-related protein plasimd (Christina L.) to JM109 yesterday. Then today I picked it and seeded it into 3 tubes. That's all for the 2nd May, easy.

So I went shopping with aimee, beautiful sunshine, I really enjoyed it. She is bright, with awesome clothes. And we had wild sex, this is so ... good. I love it.

Summary 01-05-07

Yes, it was yesterdy I digested the product from both Hi fidelity Taq and normal Taq PCR (Fulllength Ang-related protein) by BscAI and NheI.
BscAI requires 55 degree centi grade, so digestion began with this. After 1.5 hours, the products were cleaned up with QIAquick kit (PB buffer, purple column). Then NheI was used and cleaned again.
I was preparing the poster for 30th May... all the time, but it seems won't be finished before 25th, I am lazy. The practise of slides presentation will be on 04-05 16:00-18:00; slides are ready, I practised it in my brain.
Today aimee feels much better, hooray!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Report 30-04-07

It is too bad that my wife - I will call her aimee from now on - is not feeling good. She may have caught a cold, the weather here is too tough for her. I wanted to bring her to the hospital, but she refused, and she felt tired, she is still sleeping now, after some pills. I hope she will get better.

About study, the 1st day is not bad though. I submitted my report to graduate office, however they asked me for a CD-ROM with the print version, so I made one at home, and will give it to them tomorrow - oh, it's today now. A thing to metion is that yesterday is the deadline for submitting report. The Kammerer's Lab is cleanner than Ashe's Lab, I guess it has something to do with the habit of people, but the more important reason is they got less stuffs. I began with Hi fidelity PCR (and gel purified), however the product quantity from PCR seems not enough, so I set another normal Taq PCR and stored the product in freezer.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Todo 30-04-07

It seems I get the wrong time for the starting for 3rd rotation: I misplaced Monday as 1st May... So in fact, the rotation should start tomorrow, and the deadline for the literature report is tomorrow as well. However, I will go to the lab still, cause everyone has been mistaken by me...

The work in plan begins at PCR, I will attempt to construct a red fluorescent Ang-related protein expressing plasmid. This protein is the main research object of this lab, Kammerer's lab.