Wednesday, June 10, 2009

10-06-09: 坚持不懈地逛Science网站的传教士,这是怎样的一种精神



Entanglement should not be regarded as “spooky action at a distance.” It should be regarded as a quantum-style conservation law, in this case conservation of spin angular momentum. I explained this in my article “Entanglement Untangled,” Physics Essays 19, 299 (2006).

It can occur on microscopic, mesoscopic, macroscopic, and megascopic scales. An example of mesoscopic entanglement is explained by Jorg Wrachtrup in the article “Schrodinger’s Cat is Still Alive,” Nature Physics 5, 248 (2009).

On the largest scale, there can be “cosmic cats” in the form of entangled galaxies in the expanding universe, which is in a quasiclassical state, i.e., a quantum state that allows nondemolition measurements on superpositions and entanglements, which are not disturbed by observation. The universe is the ideal place to observe megascopic quantum effects.

Max Tegmark showed that the brain is in a quasiclassical state. It is quite possible that the brain is a quantum analog computer whose normal modes are the normal modes of the universe, which has a fractal structure consistent with the Biblical statement that God created man in His own image, so that man can be regarded as a fractal of God, explaining how Einstein et al. get those resonance-like flashes of insight into the nature of things.


Kenneth J. Epstein
Chicago, Illinois


The whole story hinges on the accuracy of the dating. They did a great job on the stratigraphy of the cave but they don't have dates on the. In their paper they dismiss earlier dates as wrong and then say theirs are correct. Yet c-14 dating hinges on assumed concentrations of c-14 in the atmosphere in the past.
This data can be interpreted in terms of biblical history with the settlement of China occurring after the dispersion of the Tower of Babel. It all hinges on the dating which is based on unprovable assumptions about the past.