Monday, March 26, 2007

ToDo 26-03-07

Monday again!
Today's todo list:
1.Add CuSO4 into the transfected cells to induce the expression. (Sog-FL and Dpp fusion proteins)
2.Check the plasimd DNA.
3.Set sequencing PCR.
4.Send sequencing samples.
5.Paper reading.

I had a good talk with my wife yesterday. I can not understand how the women are thinking, that's really a problem -- women take half of the population. If I can not know clearly the way women thinking, I will lose lots of chances in the future.
It's such a hard work to predict or guess the other people's thoughts, at least as hard as academical work. And it is so important for any one who does not want to stay in his current status.
Lots to learn then, I'm a young man.


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