Thursday, July 05, 2007


I wrote to Alan Dickson yesterday and he replied fast, the tone of the letter is quite offical, however, I guess they welcome the PhD student, especially, self-funded PhD student. Anyways, it seems it will not be too tough for me to get one position.

We had a lab meeting yesterday afternoon, it is 2 hours and a half long. It is interesting though, Matthew introduced a new expression method he is using, the viral mediated protein expression method. The product he is using is Baculovirus. Phil introduced his work on Angiopoietin1/2 and Tie family protein, Babara introduced her work on CCbeta mutations (however I didn't get it all) and Sanjai memtioned his work on EB1 and a huge protein (9000kDa). I felt I haven't done anything which makes sense... That's a pity really.

Aimee began to write homework, this morning we finished a 300 words short draft. Her ultimate work for the class is a 2.5k words report, which will be interesting.

I got a PDF version of a book named "World History" in Chinese. It's 138MB, and will be fun to read. I also have CPS3 emulator on my computer now, with which I can play Street Fighter III 3rd Strike, it is great fun!


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