Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Chris, in memorial… NO! He is still alive!
However, I am reconsidering whether I should rent a house far from city centre now. The still alive Chris survived, but how about my lovely wife?
The thing is like this, Chris was attacked last Saturday night, when he went back from the lab to his house, which is on Kinross road. This place is 20 minutes on foot from the lab, about 40-50 minutes on foot from the city centre. What is scarier, one person was shot death near Chris’s house, just 100 metres away. The guy attacked him could not win him, so that guy kicked at Chris’ private part and ran away.
He is now trying to find a new house, to flee away from that area. Whatever, security is the most important. Not only for myself, but for Aimee as well. Though living in the city centre may be expensive, I would like to choose this option.


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