Friday, June 22, 2007


The meeting with Dave is short, generally, I'd better contact Prof. Alan Dickson and those supervisors themselves.
I picked out ¬ 15 peoples in our faculty which I'm interested. Some of the projects requires completely new skills, however, it is not bad for my knowledge, maybe - though I will have a hard time. And I think I should find someone who is nice, some bosses are just too tough... Since I am not really too good in Biology, I need a nice boss.

I am planning my wedding, it will be in the middle August.
The easiest way is following the tradition, I have little problem with that (but still have, I will mention it below), since I am a common people and a common way of living (of course including wedding) is suitable for me. But, to be frankly, if have chance, I would not choose to be common, this is what really I am - a strange, weired person. So I planned something different. This time, my wife feels a bit hard to accept some points.
Now I need to know some details: how many people will be there, who are they, what is the condition in the wedding hall, how long the ceremony should be.
I have to modify my speech in the wedding as well, because I decided that I will take the role of many people - the emcee, the master people of the wedding, etc..


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