Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Report 30-04-07

It is too bad that my wife - I will call her aimee from now on - is not feeling good. She may have caught a cold, the weather here is too tough for her. I wanted to bring her to the hospital, but she refused, and she felt tired, she is still sleeping now, after some pills. I hope she will get better.

About study, the 1st day is not bad though. I submitted my report to graduate office, however they asked me for a CD-ROM with the print version, so I made one at home, and will give it to them tomorrow - oh, it's today now. A thing to metion is that yesterday is the deadline for submitting report. The Kammerer's Lab is cleanner than Ashe's Lab, I guess it has something to do with the habit of people, but the more important reason is they got less stuffs. I began with Hi fidelity PCR (and gel purified), however the product quantity from PCR seems not enough, so I set another normal Taq PCR and stored the product in freezer.


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