Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Summary 01-05-07

Yes, it was yesterdy I digested the product from both Hi fidelity Taq and normal Taq PCR (Fulllength Ang-related protein) by BscAI and NheI.
BscAI requires 55 degree centi grade, so digestion began with this. After 1.5 hours, the products were cleaned up with QIAquick kit (PB buffer, purple column). Then NheI was used and cleaned again.
I was preparing the poster for 30th May... all the time, but it seems won't be finished before 25th, I am lazy. The practise of slides presentation will be on 04-05 16:00-18:00; slides are ready, I practised it in my brain.
Today aimee feels much better, hooray!


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