Friday, October 12, 2007

12-10-07: Literature Report and Qualitative Research

Wow, yes, having a wife learning something very different is a good experience. The Social Work is really different from our boring experimental and data based "Science". No wonder why scientist do not eat, because science does not eat.

Qualitative research, which involves too much "human factor" and de facto complexity, is flexiable, amazing, and even could be described as more "meta". Based on the view of the strict "Science", these researches seems non sense, and have few value. But in fact, what I mentioned "meta" could tell my feel. If the life is "black box", then why just leave it as a "black box" sometimes? Without artifical categorising, simplifying and other process, the unpredictable thing is the real thing. Anyways, I never believe that science could be able to explain everything - now I even think it could explain lesser. The qualitative thing is more useful most of the time, be aware!

Nevertheless, down to my project, I will keep the rules. And things go fine under rules, so why not?

Oh, yeah, I forget the literature thing in the topic. Okay, it's just a report ~7,000 words which has a deadline in early Janurary - tough? Maybe not :).


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