Wednesday, July 18, 2007

18-07-07: Lab meeting day, disappointing football, arcade stick

Lab meeting is good, ehh I am not saying something like "the culture revolution is good, is good, is really good.". Since Richard is our supervisor, he is responsible to give adivce, isn't he? I was bothered by the low concentration resulted in Fd mutant protein purification and Christina has no idea on it either. Richard's opinion is that the mutation may changed the structure of the protein and the His-tag may be hidden.
I should describe the purification result: flowthrough has bands of the incorrect size, binding buffer has thin band of the correct size but since there is only 25mL of it the problem is small, washing buffer has no band at all, and elute buffer has thin band of the correct size. From this I suggest the protein concentration in the original solution is low or the protein was not eluted from the beads. The TCA result from Chirstina however indicates that there was enough protein in the original solution. So if this result is not wrong, and there is nothing wrong during the dialysis (not likely), the problem should be on the eluting process.
My beads truned yellow, I don't know whether this is related to this result or not. I may discuss this with people tomorrow.

Sanji said the player number is full for tomorrow's football match, oh no! Whatever, I may join another "fantasy football league" in the faculty, this makes me feel better.

I bought my faculty BBQ ticket yesterday, however there's only veggie ticket left - I WANT MEAT...

The cover story of Nature is Mobius quiz. I know little of Maths though I respect the Maths people very much. So... check it out yourself.

It is surprise to see that Capcom's next 2D FTG is Basara... I hope they will give us something amazing, no air dash, no 2nd jumping, etc.

I am planning to buy an arcade stick. Kofkofkof (or 3k) advised me to buy Real Arcade Pro V2.0 by Hori. He is such a honourable man so I guess I will buy one. The price is affordable, I may ask pearshaw to help me on this.
Talking about pearshaw, I got news about Diaquick. Diaquick is graduated, successfully, finally. He is clever, he should have been, so wish him a good future.


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