Sunday, July 29, 2007

29-07-07: Faculty BBQ, Report, house renting

It was a long time since my last post, wasn't it?
The report is borthering me all the time, I cannot wait to finish it. I have written around 9,000 words, and is deleting the content to make it suit. No PhD project established yet, I may do this after I have done the report.

Firday, 27-07, we had faculty BBQ in the squard localised at the centre of our building. It is nice, everyone is full. Though it began to rain at ~1500, it did not break the celebrate. We had a nice DJ playing pop in the cafe lounge. I didn't go pub afterwards, but some people do. Christ drank 10 bottles of bear in that night, ha, achohol gene!

Checked a few houses for rent, Plymouth Village is not a bad place to live. I hope we can sign the contract as soon as possible. I missed a view for Melrose Apartment, as I was 10 mins late. Whatever, I will reschedule the time.

Hope you guys have a nice holiday.


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