Tuesday, July 17, 2007

17-07-07: iPhone

Eh... What to say? I admit I have bias against Apple (you know what Apple, the company produced Apple computer). I don't like the Apple design for Mac, Mac book, iPod, etc. Those things just look way too foolish, I can not imagine how a man would like them. The Apple product nowadays is typical look nice, de facto malfunctional. So here I would like to give this link about iPhone.
It never worths it. I can understand the reason some girls would like it, but the price is too high.
In addition, I should say, why iPod is successful is because it constructed a legal mp3 downloading system. This is clever, but the iPod itself is not worth buying. Especially in China, whilst most people download pirate mp3s, there is no advantage for them to buy an iPod at a cost around 3,000 RMB.
Maybe the iPhone 2 will be much better, but not iPhone.


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