Tuesday, July 10, 2007

10-07-07: SF 33 tutorial, referencing, otaku

Referencing the intro of my report all day today... The Tachylectin part is still not finished, have no idea whether I can work at home...

The medium goes through the colum way too slowly, I will wash the colum o/n then...

Time is passing, the day of my wedding is approaching, but.. I feel no one is anxious... alright, Phil is anxious for his cells are dying - oh.. he has nothing to do with my wedding though XD.
I guess my headache makes me disordered.

My wife said I am an OTAKU, how did she learn this damned word? Whatever, I admit that I am a little Otaku...

Practising SF 3.3, but don't have much time. I goes back to Ken from Makoto, it is easier for me. I got a tutorial from the internet and found it very useful, you can see it here on youtube. It teaches you Cancel, Super Cancel, Link, Target Combo and Kara-throw.


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