Wednesday, April 18, 2007

"Nobles"? "Elites"?

Yes, the "nobles" and "Elites" here mean the people who control the productivity, who own huge amount of money.
Are they the power to drive the develop of human being? In my eyes, no.
What makes the history go forward is the demos, the productivity. From the view of the globe, they sometimes do good, sometimes do bad to the productivity increase. And generally, their role is neutral.
However, for a nation or a region, they sometimes become a big problem - like the role of church in middle age, like the bankers in WWI.
One thing I feel important is that, when money disappears, or the control of productivity is lost, only if the productivity remains, nothing too serious will happen. The "nobles" or "Elites" are not so important to the society, that is why they always try to keep their status, via every kind of resorts.


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